Thursday, March 31, 2011

So I had the most horrible interview in my life. Maybe its not as bad as I think it is, but I'm placing such high hopes that I refused to allow any single flaw. I honestly think that I stopped using a large part of my brain after A's because I totally lost my infamous impromptu skills and sucking up skills. I was extremely disappointed after the interview I walked around town sulking. Didn't exactly help that it was approximately 50 deg celcius in the oven today. I was devastated because I thought that question killed my scholarship chances.

When I got home, I received an email from _ about a briefing on Scholarship and other school Scholarships which made me realise that today's interview did not completely deny me of the scholarship!!! Immediately I brightened up and my world turned back to Colour from Black and White. I saw the light. I thanked the Higher Power. I kissed my MukMuk toy. (For good luck) Until I made the crushing realisation, that the scholarship interview is on either the 23rd or 25th April.

Our long-awaited and planned BKK trip is from 23-26 April.

The scholarship interviews are activities/case-based meaning that it is sort of like a camp where one day one room of 30 or more people will gather and allow for a few professionals to scrutinise and analyse our potential and capabilities.

In other words, the dates are inflexible. Noooooooooo concessions made, maybe unless your parents are from the dominating political party and I am not so fortunate.

Instantly my world turned....

Dull. Hopeless.

Life is like a lemonade. First sip is sour, next sip is sweet. When you think that it is really sweet, your next sip is sour. IT FOOLS YOU. The only solution to the above problem is to request for the interview to be on the 23rd and meet the girls one day late in BKK. Obvious danger lies but I really don't want to miss the trip!!!! So many late nights and plannings and excitement put into it. If only words could describe my disappointment :"(

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