Sunday, September 9, 2012

Flabbergasted that there are people who actually read this space. I guess I never truly comprehended the openness of the web. And that there are souls who bother to plough through this page and take in all the frustration and emotions that are only here because they couldn't fit the 140-words limit on Twitter.

I would plead you to stop reading this but I doubt it'll happen.

So just penning down the 4 A.M. melancholy triggered by a mixture of Vodka and Moet with a slight headache, aching body, sore throat and tired mind.

Slightly Scarlet 2012 just ended. I have officially fulfilled my summer commitments and I hope I've done them decently well. Its been one hell of an experience working as Programmes AD and PR. There were ups and downs but I think overall being in the Org Comm of a camp and a school fashion event gave me lots of experience, made me see things I couldn't see and do things I wouldn't have done if not for them.

I felt a little sad when it all ended because they were events which took up the bulk of my last 3-4 months, and I dare say I put my heart and soul into them. While watching the walks during Scarlet itself, I'd get random waves of emotions that drove me close to tears. It was almost like watching my kids grow. All 30 guys and girls, from rating them in auditions to cheering my heart out when they strut down the 12-metre runway. They have grown and blossomed and I am so proud of them. I'm grateful that the role I took upon allowed me numerous opportunities to network and interact with others. Most importantly I'm glad I went for the fittings and befriended all the thirty 'kids'. They're the silliest and cutest bunch ever.

Okay the partying adrenaline is wearing off rapidly and I am slowly drifting off to sleeeeeeeeep...........

Hey look! A non-emo post. Applaus=e please.

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